Monday, April 29, 2013

What elephant in the room?

Television is definitely not the elephant in the room at my house. Honestly my parents are pretty far back in the advancement of technology. I think it is just because my parents prefer things that they are already familiar with. That being said in my house, my family gets all their news and entertainment from the television. For as long as I can remember the Television has always been on. The top three occasions that the TV is not on in my house is if no one is home, if we're having a holiday dinner with guests over, or if the power has dramatically gone out. I don't really watch TV a lot so I have a lot of patience when it comes to seeing the commercials that air. Most of the time when I call myself "watching Tv" I'm really not. I'm usually multitasking, either cooking,cleaning, or scrolling through internet pages. I can recall all the different songs that play in commercials, or I can even tell you the phone number to a certain law firm. I found out recently that I don't even watch the commercials. I found myself singing along with a commercial then when I looked at the TV there were visuals of a mini can driving through a landscape. I had never actually watched the commercial, but heard it a billion times before.
I actually like watching commercials on TV though. I really like watching clever ideas unfold and seeing how different things are marketed towards different groups of people. Besides sometimes commercials come at the perfect times. During an intense or hilarious show that's hard to walk away from, it's nice to have a two minute break to use the restroom, throw my laundry into the dryer or microwave a hot pocket.

Although the television is the prime source of entertainment at my parents house, it isn't for me at my apartment. I personally go straight to my laptop for news and entertainment. If I ever have a huge chunk of time to just relax I will watch movies on my computer. It is convenient for me and is virtually free of commercials or pop up ads.
I do have a less patient side though, when it comes to listening to Pandora on my phone. I absolutely hate it when ads interrupt my music on my phone. There is actually a double standard here. If I get an interruptive ad on my laptop while listening to Pandora, it is no biggie to me. It's only 29 seconds of my life, besides I'm zoned in on homework anyway. But when I listen to Pandora on my phone then 29 seconds becomes an eternity. I usually use Pandora on my phone when I'm driving or in the shower. These are the times where I couldn't even get to my phone to change the station if I wanted to. I'm instantly put in such a vulnerable state where I just want to listen to music but can even listen to my favorite songs without being inturrupted by some high pitched girl persuading me to get an online agree in Santa Clara County. These ads are nowhere near desireable, but for me, they really aren't too unbearable. It also depends on what website you're on when you're receiving your ads. A lot of sites such as Youtube, Amazon, and even Pandora are really good about keeping the ads somehow related to your interests.

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